
Dogbane Beetle

Welcome to my site! My name's Xalli (among others), and this is a space I cultivate to share thoughts, music, zines, books, photos, poems, and so much more with you all. This site is made for desktop, but it's still relatively functional on mobile.

I'd love it if you shared back with me-- something you think I'd like, or a thought you had, or whatever's been sitting in the back of your mind. Community is everything, and we can only build it by starting somewhere.

Feel free to leave a note on my guestbook or contact me through any of the means on my about page. If you'd like to re-read the splash page, you can find it here.

There's lots more on my sitemap, and this site is forever growing, but here are a few cool pages of mine to get you started: Writings | Diary | Photos | Music Media

Currently reading: Parable of the Sower [Octavia E. Butler] & Debt: The First 5,000 Years [David Graeber]
Last read: Sitt Marie Rose [Etel Adnan] -- read my review here!
Currently listening to: Oh, Ads [RENT STRIKE!]
Currently spending time on: Reading & writing & biking

And here's a little status update on how I'm doing, via Status Cafe:
