Dogbane Beetle


I own a lot of zines. Like, a lot of them. But I'm really bad at actually getting to reading them-- something about incredibly internalized productivity culture and not feeling like I'm really accomplished for finishing one the way I am when I finish a book. Hopefully, this can motivate me to both actually engage with the beautiful zines I own and share them with y'all!

If you click on a zine and it's available anywhere on the internet, it'll tell you where you can buy or find a pdf of it!

Side note that I also made this little digital zine collection, none of which I have physical copies of [and so won't put here], but still wanted to share! There are a lot of beautiful, important, & generally wonderful zines. Take a look at them here.

The cover of a zine titled Thus Spake Siva, with illustrations by Uma Sanasaryan and text from Siva Purana

Find a pdf of this zine here!

The cover of a zine titled Social Media Surveillance: A Primer

Find a pdf of this zine here!


There's not more to this zine!

The cover of a zine titled Blueprint for Displacement: Breaking Down LAPD’s Echo Park Rehabilitation After-Action Report.

Find a pdf of this zine here!

A one-page zine-thing that says 'you lost my interest / i am not impressed / you wanted success / but your just gonna go / fuck yourself'.

There's not more to this zine!

The first page of an article sold at a show with Scuat Vol 6 zine.

This artist was selling this at a show in East LA recently, so I'm not going to be posting the rest of it, but it's sick as fuck. You can find their Instagram here.

Another page of thoughts that read more like poetry sold at a show with Scuat Vol 6 zine.

There's not more to this zine!

The cover of a zine titled Anti-Mass: Methods of organising for collectives.

Check this zine out here.

The cover of a zine titled Life Without Law: An Introduction to Anarchist Politics

Check this zine out here.

The cover of a zine titled A Radical Guide to Safer Drug Use

I couldn't find a pdf of this zine online, but my specific copy was distributed by Brittlebush Distro, @brittlebushdistro on Instagram.

The cover of a zine titled Greenwashing and You! a primer on “green” capitalism and how to move toward true sustainability by Ruin Doppëlganger, Esq.

Find this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Sick Fig

Check it out here [and print it]!

The cover of a zine titled Lets Make a Mini Zine

I couldn't find the zine itself online (for free or for sale), but you can check out the artist/zinester's website here! I got it as part of the Neither/nor Zine Distro subscription service, which you can find here, in case you want to try your hand at getting it there.

The cover of a zine titled 'From LA to Palestine, End the Occupation'

I scanned this zine 'cause I got it for free, so you can read it here!

The cover of a zine titled From the Galilee to Gaza: A Voice from Palestine

Check it out here.

The cover of a zine titled An Obituary for Identity Politics by Flower Bomb

Find the printable version here and a readable version [without images] here.

The cover of a zine titled Palestinians and Latin America’s Indigenous Peoples: Coexistence, Convergence, Solidarity

I couldn't find the zine itself anywhere, but it's sourced directly from this article, so you can read the contents all the same!

The cover of a zine titled Basic Paper Airplane: The Cassette Tape Issue by Joshua James Amberson & friends

Buy this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Genocide by Imperialism: What you need to know by CYB3R.3SCAP3 & underf.0

Read this zine for free here.

The cover of a zine titled This is Your Autumn: A Zine Featuring Poets of the Palestinian Diaspora

I sadly can't find this zine online again. Let me know if you do!

The cover of a zine titled Thoughts During Imprisonment by Uchiyama Gudo

Find a pdf of this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Punching Out: Solidarity on the Factory Floor by Martin Glaberman

Buy this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Café Goblin

Check out the site here, where you can also buy the zine! Super sick, but warning for flashing & bright lights/glitch effects.

The cover of a zine titled How to Kill and Eat Your Enemies; A Zine About Brassica Nigra; Invasive Wild Black Mustard

I sadly couldn't find this zine online again, but let me know if you know where to find it!

The cover of a zine titled What happened to the Black Panther Party? An Introduction, 1967-1990 by Joseph E. Green

Buy this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Zapatistas in Their Own Words

Buy this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Anarchist Survival Guide for Understanding Gestapo Swine Interrogation Mind Games: Staying Free by Shutting the Fuck Up! by Anarchist, Author, Poet, Jailhouse Layer & Prisoner Harold H. Thompson

Buy this zine here, read it here, or find a printable copy here.

The cover of a zine titled A Chief-by-Chief History of LAPD “Community Policing” and Counter-Insurgency

Find this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Pisting Yawa: An Illustrated Compendium of Filipino Demons Who Are Not Fucking Playing Around by Ella Romero

Buy this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Shiver Pine: a horror zine, featuring contributions from the CSArts-SGV Creative Writing and Visual Arts Conservatories

Check this zine out here.

The cover of a zine titled The Ghostletter Vol. I: Ghost stories brought to you fresh from the depths of Online

Try your hand at getting this zine in a grab bag.

The cover of a zine titled Community

I can't find this specific zine online, but you can find more of his work here.

The cover of a zine titled Famous Cats Passed: Stories of Some of Life's Great Cat Companions, compiled by Joe Carlough

Try your hand at getting this zine in a grab bag.

The cover of a zine titled Naloxone & Dogs

Find a pdf of this zine here!

The cover of a zine titled Mutual Aid is Not Apolitical: Resisting Co-optation of Revolutionary organizing and Abolitionist Community Care

I couldn't find this zine online anymore, but I scanned it (shittily, with the limited resources available to me), so you can find that here.

The cover of a zine titled Street Resistance and How to Stay Safe from Police [2020]

Find this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Towards A Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle

Find this zine here.

A one-page zine/article thing sold with Scuat Vol 6 zine at a show!

There's not more to this zine!

The cover of a zine titled Scuat Vol 6

I scanned this zine 'cause I got it for free, so you can read it here! The artist also later posted it here.

The cover of a zine titled pronouns are important!!!

I quite literally couldn't find anything about this zine. I got it as part of the Neither/nor Zine Distro subscription service, which you can find here, in case you want to try your hand at getting it there.

The cover of a zine titled The National Union of the Homeless: A Brief History made by univerity of the poor

Find a printable version here!

The cover of a zine titled First We Take Columbia: Lessons from the April 1968 Occupations Movement.

You can read this here and find a printable version here!

The cover of a zine titled Open Letter to the Encampments and Protests In Support of Palestine

Find a pdf of this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Building: A DIY Guide to Creating Spaces, Hosting Events, and Fostering Radical Communities

Buy a physical copy of this zine here, read it here, or find a printable pdf here.

The cover of a zine titled Direct Action Survival Guide

Some sources online have categorized this zine as having out of date information, but not all, so reference it at your own risk. Buy a physical copy of this zine here or find a printable pdf here.

The cover of a zine titled The Honorable Harvest: Teachings of Ethical and Sustainable Plant Gathering Based in Traditional Anishinaabe Practices

All sold out at the moment, but this is where you could have bought it and might be able to again one day!

The cover of a zine titled Earth First! Journal, Volume 41 | no. 1, winter / imbolc 2022

I couldn't find this specific 'zine', but you can find the journal overall here. I got it as part of the Neither/nor Zine Distro subscription service, which you can find here, in case you want to try your hand at getting it there.

The cover of a zine titled Make Your Own Fun: A Zine About Making Zines by Kristyna Baczynski

Buy this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Is It Freedom to *Have* to Vote?

I sadly can't find this one online again. Let me know if you do!

The cover of a zine titled Rest In Power Tortuguita

I couldn't find this zine online-- let me know if you do.

The cover of a zine titled Shiver Pine: A Horror Zine | Issue #2

Find this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled What's Up With COVID and How to Protect Yourself: 2024 Edition

Find this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled MASK UP, WE NEED YOU: Palestinian Solidarity, Covid-19, and the Struggle for Liberation

Find this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Scrapes + Bruises by karen j

I couldn't find this zine online anywhere, but I'll add it if I do (and you should show me if you do, too)!

The cover of a zine titled Is It Freedom to *Have* to Vote?

Find this zine here.

Wazoo's Guide to the Underground (music scene)

Got this zine at a show!

The cover of Muchacha Fanzine's 16th Issue: Decolonize Punk

You can buy a digital version here!

The cover of a zine titled CHAPSTICK by Ian Trudeau AKA Chapstick Roan of Butch Baby

I'm fairly sure you cannot buy this zine at the moment, but if you were able to, it'd be on Butch Baby's Instagram!

The cover of Muchacha Fanzine's 16th Issue: Decolonize Punk

This zine is reprinted from an online article you can find here!

The cover of a zine titled Colonization and Decolonization: A Manual for Indigenous Liberation in the 21st Century by Zig-Zag

Buy a physical copy of this zine here or find a printable pdf here.

The cover of a zine titled On the Black Liberation Army by Jalil Muntaqim

Buy a physical copy of this zine here or find a printable pdf here.

The cover of a zine titled GOX MINI ZINE ISSUE 1

I couldn't find it available online, but their Instagram is @look4gox!

The cover of a zine titled Knick Knack Issue #3

I couldn't find a copy of this zine online, but their Instagram is @knickknackzine!

The cover of a zine titled MOTHA's Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects: Legends & Mythologies by Chris E. Vargas

I sadly can't find this zine online again, but here's the exhibition information & shop!

The cover of a zine titled Transmuted Issue 009, Summer 2024, created by Transmuted Co

Buy this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled common source

This is one zine in a monthly collection you can subscribe to here.

The cover of a zine titled Generations of Autonomy

Buy this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled We Were There: Voices from L.A. Punk's First Wave - An Oral History Hosted by Alice Bag. It is signed 'Xalli XOXO Alice Bag'

I'm pretty sure I got one of if not the last copy of this zine at an Alice Bag show.

The cover of a zine titled Guerilla Gardening: Beneath the Concrete

Buy this zine here or find a printable pdf here.

The cover of a zine titled Shit's Fucked: a positivity guide

Buy this zine here.

The cover of the 74th issue of an SSE zine

I sadly can't find this zine online again, but I did find the publisher's site. Weirdly, trying to hyperlink it causes problems, so here's the direct link:

The cover of a zine titled Imperialism & the Criminalization of the Palestinian People: An Anarchist Analysis by Carol Baker & Shawn O'Hern

Find a pdf of this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Why Misogynists Make Great Informants: How Gender Violence on the Left Enables State Violence in Radical Movements

Find a pdf of this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Red Flags: Before You Join That Org... A Primer On Authoritarian & Vanguard Communist Groups & What You Can Do Instead

Read this zine here and print it here.

The cover of a zine titled Toward the queerest insurrection by Mary Nardini Gang

Check out this zine here!

The cover of a zine titled Desire Paths

You can buy this zine here!

The cover of a zine titled Perspectives on Palestinian History, made by DecolonizePalestine

I oddly couldn't find this zine again online, but it seems like it's just made using the information from the DecolonizePalestine website, so make sure to check that out!

The cover of a zine titled Everything is Fluid

I don't think she's selling it anymore, but the creatorr is Stef Prieto, who's website you can fin here!

The cover of a zine titled WTF Is Mutual Aid? A Brief Anarchist Introduction

Find a printable copy of this zine here!

The top-left fourth of a folded zine [?] titled policymaker. it has a lot of text that reads sort of like a blog, but isn't really the point of the image. it's cut off on the right and the bottom.

Try your hand at getting this zine in a grab bag.

The cover of a zine titled Maternidad en Fuga: criando entre mundos por Andrea Aguilar Ferro, Diseño por Lucía Aguilar

I bought the last copy available of this one at an art gallery in Guatemala, but I'm pretty sure that if you wanted it bad enough, you could get it at LibreFem in Guatemala City.

The cover of zine titled QUEER: A GRRRL COUCH ZINE

Check out the zine's site here and a digital copy of this specific zine here.

The cover of a zine titled How to Start a Successful Group by the Neighborhood Anarchist Collective

This zine was compiled from an article you can find here.

The cover of a zine titled Wound Care 101

You can find the writing from this zine here, though I couldn't find a printable copy.

The cover of Toastbrot, a German punk zine fro the 70s or 80s [I can't remember]

Sadly, I have no idea where you could get this one-- I got it at a little bookshop!

The cover of a zine titled Elitist Language by Peter Gelderloos

Find a printable version of this zine here and a readable one here.

The cover of a zine titled Banner Drops, Stencils, Wheatpaste, & Distributing Information...

You can find this zine here.

The cover of a zine titled Forty Eight Days

I got this zine at an awesome show, and I'm not sure where you could find it.

The cover of a zine titled Proof I Exist 34: jan 2021

Try your hand at getting this zine in a grab bag.