Dogbane Beetle


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TUE, SEP 24, 6:01-6:10 PM
you say All Praise Be to Allah In Every Situation!!!
like only a man with your heart could, and i cry
as i learn of your chicken wings & tater tots,
reading your poems again and again– knowing
none of it erases your missouri evening death– the hot wind
that never reached your small cell. in the beginning,
we raise money, and when we can’t raise money,
we call, and when we can’t call, we fax,
and when we can’t fax, we can only grieve.
you, ringing in my ears, sound like a haunting–
a melody in the heart, and a poem for the children,
and a pre-planned ghost. you, who have me praying
to my own lords, like maybe they could grant you peace.