[untitled, ‘untitled’ not being the title]
you are the fucking shit, dude– has anyone ever told you
that? you should take a knee and let this pit knight you,
bodies tripping onto your shoulders like holy swords,
arms spread out in joy, each both the son and the cross,
unrepentant just like you, even in dreams, when
your teeth fall out in hoards, into your saliva-slick mouth
and across your tongue like running bison, spilling out
past your gums and cracked lips, and you imagine that, instead,
you’re in the pit, teeth getting knocked out a more natural way,
a good way, with a stray fist against your jaw and a grin
‘cause it’s fucking absurd, really, but you’re okay,
and it would probably never happen, anyway,
but it takes you out of this dream, and that’s enough.