Dogbane Beetle


Click here for a list of my publications if that's what you're interested in!

Food Not Bombs - General Volunteer October 2023 - Present : It's such a beautiful experience. I try to go every other weekend-- chop veggiess together & talk while we plan and stir the stews & pack leftovers up for community fridges & distribute zines & share new events in our lives & go to Skid Row to hand the food out to as many as we can & build community, there, too.

The Lavender Collective - Member and Volunteer December 2023 - Present : TLC is such an incredibly wonderful community to be a part of. I try my best to make it to meetings & pitch new ideas & help out with old ones, and make it to food distros & workshops & clubs & whatever. It really is such mutual aid, and so queer.

Community Advisory Board for the CDPH LGBTQ Health Initiative - CAB Member November 2023 - Present : This is one of the most unique & interesting things I'm a part of. I'm genuinely so thankful to work with them. The CDPH LGBTQ Initiative is workring to prove to the state of California that funding LGBTQ organizations is an important investment-- currently in the process of working with some of those organizations in taking qualitative and quantitative data surrounding social determinants of health in their communities & how these organizations affect them. I get to participate in monthly zoom meetings with the CAB and discuss & examine materials provided to us by the initiative such as surveys for organizations, contracts, data they’ve collected, and more in order for us to give them feedback on what they can and should do better. Essentially, we just work to help hold everyone accountable. It's such an incredibly intelligent & interesting space, and I love everyone I get to work with and what we get to work on.

Sugar Pine Literary - Editor in Chief August 2023 - Present : I can't even begin to describe how much I've adored getting to work with this magazine & lead our wonderful team. Every issue is such a beautiful show of our school's talent as both artists and editors, and I feel so proud of everything we've done together.

Muse Ariadne Writing Club - Leader February 2024 - Present : I genuinely love running this little online writing club so much! Every member is so creative & interesting, and getting to make prompts and see how they inspire people is so fulfilling. I love interacting with everyone, too, and the way we've created a sort of community.

Polyphony Lit - Junior Board Member + Senior Editor July 2022 - Present : It's so cool to be a part of such an incredible, global magazine. We give pages of feedback to everyone that submits, regardless of whether their pieces are accepted, and it's so wonderful to be a part of that. As an SE, I'm able to both give any given author edits and help coach Junior Editors on how they can give more helpful advice and it's so fulfilling-- but on top of that, I also get the opportunity to help make things run smoothly and create new programs as a JB member.

Mutation Biology Journal - Executive Editor October 2023 - Present : It's so awesome to see young people excited about science-- about sharing & learning & exploring it further-- so I really do love being a part of Mutation! We have so much fun putting together every issue and trying to choose articles to write & edit as a team, and it always leads to such cool products.

National Parks of Boston - Youth Conservation Corps Employee June 2023 - August 2023 : Getting to work with NPB last summer was such a valuable and incredible experience. I'm so grateful for absolutely every day I got to spend with our amazing team & campers and how we were able to lead them in these amazing history lessons & expeditions to help them think more about how they fit into this world & their own communities in Boston. I especially adored getting to work with them during our week on the Black Heritage Trail and even write a little blog about it.

Upcoming Projects

I kind of abandoned Warmblooded Zines, which is an archive I made with one of my best friends Mordecai, and I want to return to it. It's honestly quite hard, though. Writing Image IDs is a lot of work.

I'm trying to work on a long-form zine, but it's taken a lot of energy & time! I'm not super sure where to go with it.