
Dogbane Beetle i'm finally done with my long, wonderful, exhausting break, 2 months of which (aka most of it) were filled with work with the national parks service out in boston. i worked with kids for the majority of the time, like i've explained, and reflecting on it feels odd. there's so much to think about

we worked with YMCAs to make the camp programs happen, so i was expecting a more... privileged demographic, i guess. i sort of realized, though, that during the school year, every kid who comes does so because their parents can afford to get them there and back home and to activities, but during the summer, the YMCA is free childcare for those who can't take care of them or put them somewhere more expensive or specialized, so of course it's going to look a little different !

i loved the kids we worked with, though. of course, there were the really mean kids, and then there were the sweethearts, like a girl who was insistent that i come back to celebrate my february birthday with her and told me she wanted to be like me, and a girl who told me my name was pretty and was incredibly excited to make friendship bracelets with me during a rainy day plan, even though she couldn't do more 'exciting' things

but then it got a little harder sometimes, 'cause at every YMCA there were a few kids with developmental, trauma, and communication disorders, and giving them special attention wasn't easy to manage, but it was more than worth it

i got to watch a sweet little kid happily chase a ladybug and yell excitedly about his new water bottle with us and not be shamed for it and i got to sit with a kid who had severe shut downs & anger issues and just ride it out with him, and then there was a boy who was absolutely terrified of boats, but felt confident enough to try going onto a stationary historical one once i gave him the option to sit it out and answered some questions

it wasn't an easy job by any means, and i probably wouldn't do it again, in all honesty, but it was such a good experience to have

of course, i got to do some things outside of work! i checked out colleges for a few weekends-- brown university, MIT, and wellesley college in particular ! they were all so interesting in their own ways, though brown is my dream school and seeing providence and the campus in person solidified that

i didn't realize that it was common for universities to have their own museums, though! it just wasn't something i'd ever consider, despite being a very good idea & opportunity to display what they're all about

now for some lists of cool things i got because my weakest trait is being a total consumerist, even if i buy almost solely from small businesses

in providence, i checked out this little bookstore (which had a tip jar for the bookstore cat's dental surgery) and got these few things: i also got to spend a weekend in new york with a close friend of mine, too and we had a wonderful time! i got so many cute small things with them, including: i've ALSO continued going to good restaurants, and got to have some amazing dishes like these: finally, i added to my cassette collection! anyway, all in all, boston was pretty wonderful. it was super rough to not have a solid routine outside of work because i was so exhausted, though, which makes me real happy to be back home. i think being there and experiencing the weather & vibes & atmosphere made me realize that the west coast is very much my home !

i love the southwest with all of me, as much as i want to get out of here for a while and set up shop somewhere else for a bit. i'm happy to be back and excited for my classes this semester, though. it's all tough ones, and i think it'll go well

this is incredibly long, but oh well !

i'm going to rest now, i think

wishing you a wonderful start to whatever new era, small or large, you might be beginning

- xalli